Jay offers presentations and executive education on leadership to businesses, nonprofits, and associations. He has delivered keynotes and seminars to managers and executives from over 90 countries. His audiences range from young high potential managers to seasoned directors to executives. Jay’s compelling storytelling ability and sense of humor disarms even the most cynical and inspires them to become better leaders. As a former manager himself, every learning experience incorporates real world application.



The High Potentials’ Advantage
Drawing upon insights from Jay Conger and Allan Church’s newest book The High Potential’s Advantage, you and your fellow participants learn about the critical differentiators - the 5 X Factors - that set high potential leaders apart from their peers. You’ll assess yourself on each and learn detailed guidance for cultivating the capabilities in yourself. The workshop is a hands on, highly interactive way to accelerate your high potential journey.


The Necessary Art of Persuasion
This workshop brings to life the insights from Jay’s best-selling Harvard Business Review article The Necessary Art of Persuasion and his popular book Winning’ Em Over. You will learn how to apply the four foundational practices of constructive persuasion to a real life persuasion situation you are facing.  Along the way, you will discover that persuasion is a learning process where you lead your colleagues to a problem’s shared solution rather than the delivery of a tightly scripted monologue.

Leveraging the Spotlight on Your Leadership
Anyone in a leadership role receives an inordinate amount of attention. Your words in a meeting today will become someone’s dinner time conversation tonight. This presentation calls out the power of this natural spotlight that focuses on every leader’s words and actions - for better or worse. You will learn how leaders can harness the power of this attention to more effectively lead others rather than be harmed by it.

What Your Followers Are Expecting From You
Who decides whether you are a leader? No one is better suited to make that judgement call than the people you actually lead. In this workshop, you will learn how to develop the five essential actions required for building followership. Through self reflections and action planning, you will leave with a plan to become a far more influential leader.